
Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2009

thinking Portugal

portugalia e undeva intre vasco si evora? Vasco da Gama, Magellan, James Cook, Henric Navigatorul, Hose Socrates, Luis Figo, Newton, Kepler, Amalia Rodrigues, Lusiada, Algrave, Vasco Fernandes, Revolutia Garoafelor, Estoril, Corida, Blaga, Iorga, Atlantic, Fatima, Nos Osos, Porto, Fado, Evora. let's check!

tango reminder

estudio tango real un curs de dans care se-ntampla in inima bucurestiului, protejat de-o cladire veche, intr-un mare salon crem, cu ferestre mari, spre lumina, printre fotografiile maxi alb negru ale Bucurestiului interbelic. un curs la care am asistat asta seara. o clasa cu clasa. clasa tangoului argentinian, o lectie exersata in pasi de doi de cateva perechi scapate din rutina corporatista si o lectie explicata cursiv si cam naucitor de profesorul Gilbert Iscu, cazut din alt spatiu, din alte valori, din alt timp, din inima care simte ritmul perechii, a tangoului, a naturaletii cuplului care calca in armonie. un reminder din lectii simple pe care ni la da tangoul milonga el conduce, ... ea seduce, ea ii da lui energia de-a face impreuna pasii urmatori...e curgere, nu se incomodeaza unul pe celalat... increderea ii asigura ei confortul si ii lasa lui libertatea de a duce discret dar ferm mai departe, dansul...ei nu ezita pentru ca s-ar opri si-ar pierde ritmul...lasa-te doar de de valu...

sa te aduni in credinta ta...

Credinta apartine intr-adevar intimitatii. Iti lumineaza calea cu nadejde, ca sa poti vedea si intelege divinitatea din care faci oricum parte si te incalzeste cu dragostea care te invata drumul inapoi, spre lumina asta. Lumina care este invatare, jertfa si inviere, adica dragoste. Treaba asta nici macar nu tine de religie. Buddha, Allah, Dumnezeu, Isus, Osiris, Ahriman sau Ormuz, Zeus sunt doar nume proprii. Invatatura sacra din toate culturile aduce ca simbol comun principiul luminii , al mintii linistite si calme, patrunsa de caldura , de grija si compasiune pentru toate fiintele lumii, adica de iubire. Este invatatura care te indruma la o singura fapta: Iubeste-te pe tine si iubeste-ti aproapele. Invata-te si invata-i si pe ceilalti... Credinta este intr-adevar optionala. Dar din divinitate oricum faci parte si oricum v ei avea ce crezi. Daca luam lumina, vom avea si caldura. Sa vedem cine da lumina intr-adevar mai departe ... Sarbatori Fericite!

consumatorul e bizon...

argumente from Craita Coman

Thinking CALDURA

no fire, no heat. no heat, no life.


Leadership is not the ability to cut down the trees that are blocking the path out of the jungle, it is the ability to see what jungle we are in and then choose the path. (Donald Trump)

va sarut

O sa va rog sa ma scoateti din cc-uri starting today. E ultima mea zi in MRM McCann. Multumesc pentru bune si rele si verzi si- nflorite si-ngrijite si uscate si mai ales pentru covorul de narcise din 2007 ;) (pour les connaisseurs)

concertul de aprilie


NY feeling


some essentials about INDIA

India is the world’s largest, oldest continuous civilization. India is the world’s largest democracy. In the last 10,000 years, India has never invaded any country. Chess was invented in India. India invented the number system and algebra, trigonometry and calculus originated in India. India is the largest English-speaking nation in the world. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. India was the richest country on earth until the 17th Century when the British invaded.

Donald Trump's Economic Survival Tips

... What’s happened to the economy has been likened to a tsunami as well as an implosion. When the undersea earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit in Indonesia in 2004, the world was stunned by the devastation that took place. It triggered earthquakes around the globe as far away as Alaska. It happened in a very short amount of time. This kind of event takes shape over a period of time and then erupts with incredible force. What happened this past year is similar in that respect--it’d been brewing for some time. When it hit, it was like a tsunami which caused other economies to start crumbling as well. We are all familiar with that scenario. What we need to do now is deal with it. The aftermath of a tsunami requires surveying the damage, picking up the pieces and moving on. Some people have bigger losses than others, but everyone has to keep going. When it comes to implosion, it’s more of a cave-in than a wipe-out, but equally potent. We saw the effects of an implosion watching the towe...


Most uprisings and revolutions find their beginnings in injustice. The French and American revolutions are two examples, and we can trace this back to Greek history. Democracy started there. The people had a justified outrage and managed to change things. Just recently in Paris, the French protested layoffs by barricading the director of a large company in his office and another similar incident happened at Sony in the South of France a couple of weeks ago. It seemed to work--after the ‘bossnapping’ occurred, Sony agreed to talk about severance packages. So far this is a revolt without violence, but it’s a barometer of the times that isn’t a good sign. Many countries are experiencing economic woes, and the outrage in U.S. has been intense as well. Our greatest fear should be people who have no conscience, and there are obviously people who have no guilt for their behavior or actions , with AIG (short for Arrogance, Incompetence and Greed) as a primo example. President Obama has pointed...

cum recunosti un mentor

M Motivates you do accomplish more than you think you can. E Expects the best from you. N Never gives up on you or lets you give up on yourself. T Tells you the truth – even when it hurts. O Occasionally kicks your butt. R Really cares about you and your success. in limba romana nu stim cum s-ar transpune, but this content is for real
from the cover of Lipona's latest EP


Plec la Ogilvy Interactive BAT, Unilever, Kraft, Cosmote/Germanos, IBM, Nestle, Petrom, Heineken, Carrefour, Friesland, Colgate-Palmolive, Ikea... David Ogilvy e cel care ne-a invatat some essentials about brands & life: The first two fundamental components of that brand would be the quality and diversity of the people, and the quality and class of the operation. Only first class business, and that in a first class way. The third component was his belief in brands . Every advertisement is part of the long-term investment in the personality of the brand. David worked relentlessly to instill the belief that our job is to make advertising that sells, and the advertising that sells best is advertising that builds brands.