
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2008

coplesiti fapt, de la un timp ma simt ca-n vreme de razboi...cred. zic cred pentru ca doar am citit despre treaba asta cu razboiul...e o stare care pluteste, ceva se pierde, nu mai pui mana pe nimic, nu te mai bazezi pe nimeni, nu mai exista promisiuni si siguranta, totul e lupta, agitatie, marasm, incercare si vacarm. e un vacarm consumerist de nedescris pe care il simt in jur, care-s convinsa ca ne dezarticuleaza. e ca un fel de reactie in lant, subliminala, care tine de spiritual si de energii, care ne bantuie pe noi, oamenii, o tensiune mai presus de noi care ne tine incordati, atenti, fricosi, alerti, prea alerti, intepeniti in alerta asta nefacatoaredebine. uite-asa devenim foarte atenti la exterior si la ce-ar putea veni de-acolo oare, si uitam de inlauntrul nostru. asta se si vrea de la noi. aproximativ toti suntem speriati, disperati si cu ochii zgaiti in afara, aiurea. privim de dupa gratii insa. fiecare e retras acolo in patratzica lui, isi ia niste aliati, isi face provizii de ...


campanie global warming NY under water



35 tactici marketing online

elementare Blogging Marketing prin email Microsite-uri branduite Bannere online Comunitati/forumuri online Advergames Podcast-uri Aplicatii multimedia, demo-uri in Flash Avatar-uri multimedia Lumi virtuale Retele sociale (Facebook, LinkedIn) Teleconferinte, webinars Expozitii virtuale Marketing prin video Publicitate contextuala Widget-uri Publicitate pe telefoane mobile Search engine optimization (SEO) Continut generat de utilizatori Behavioral targeting Pay per click PPC Publicitate prin fluxuri RSS Site-ul companiei Marketing prin afiliere, afiliati Sponsorizare / Cross Branding IM / Microblog-uri (Twitter) Social News/Bookmarking (digg, reddit,, stumbleupon) eCommerce Feeds/Comparison Shopping Marketing viral PR Online Concursuri, gratuitati online Studii de caz, whitepaper-uri, continut “la liber” Review-uri platite Publicitate pe blog-uri Relatii bune cu bloggeri

GUN REPORT premiile pe digital/interactiv

Digital/Interactive prizes from the same GUN REPORT 2008: Japanese boutique agency Projector takes the Most Awarded Interactive spot of theYear for its innovative Uniqlock project in which bloggers could upload a clock to use on their sites featuring dancers marking each hour. Second comes Goodby, Silverstein & Partners with Get The Glass for the California Milk Got Milk? campaign. BBDO New York & Big Spaceship took the bronze spot for HBO Voyeur source: CR Blog

the most awarded tvc in the world

Fallon London’s Gorilla spot for Cadbury’s was the most awarded commercial in the world in 2008 according to the Gunn Report. The Gunn Report, which tallies the results from the most significant advertising awards from around the world (and there are many, believe us) to compile a list of the most awarded adverts and thus the most garlanded agencies of the year, is now ten years old.

innovativ TYLENOL

JWT Toronto

about the wrong job

Life is too short for the wrong job Scholz & Friends Berlin

ce inseamna a vrea?

A voi nu inseamna sa spui ca vrei, inseamna sa lucrezi... (Andre Maurois) well...

iar am fost premianti

Ieri la roWebDesign Awards am castigat inca doua premii: locul 2 la sectiunea anti copy/paste, so pentru originalitate cu locul 3 la Best Of RoWebDesign cu www.officeacasa,ro BIG JOY pentru ca juriul a gost international. 7 premii in 3 ani, pana acum... Nice work, guys :)

innovativ VOLKSWAGEN


Steinhardt despre pragmatism

Pragmatismul aplica ideilor regimul reclamei, confunda binele cu succesul, adevarul cu interesul personal. Fac ceea ce imi place, ceea ce imi place e bun, ceea ce e bun e adevarat. Succesiunea de sofisme la capatul carora sta barbaria. Nici realitatea nu scapa de sub actiunea distrugatoare a pragmatismului. I se contesta existenta, i se recunoaste numai devenirea. Religiile create de indivizi si iesite din scepticism sunt cele mai tiranice. Steinhardt, Pragmatism si pluralism; Articole burgheze.

thinking change and sacrifice

nothing comes without a price. And before you're going to battle, you better decide first how much you're willing to loose. To often, going out for what it feels good means letting go off what you know is right. And letting someone in means abandoning the walls you spent a lifetime building. Of course, the toughtest sacrifice is the one you don't see coming in. There you may need some time to think how to peack a side or to calculate the loss. But when the battle chooses us and not the other way around, that's when the sacrifice can turn on more than we can bare. hard talk.

hangover is dangerous

I'm after pary, so I agree.

hamsters vs. mices

the nature of blog influence

The Nature of Blog Influence Buying Behavior Blogs influence purchases: One half (50%) of blog readers say they find blogs useful for purchase information. Blogs go beyond tech: Outside of technology-related purchases, for which 31% of readers say blogs are useful, other key categories include media and entertainment (15%); games/toys and/or sporting goods (14%); travel (12%); automotive (11%); and health (10%). Niche focus ups influence factor: For those who have found blog content useful for product decisions, more than half (56%) say blogs with a niche focus and topical expertise were key sources.

willing to go

the truth about the truth

there is the truth about the truth: it hurts. then we learn to lie and hope. and we choose hope. this is the sign that we're still alive and well and young and brigth:) the truth is once u have crossed a line, u can't go back:) not really. but there is a chance u can find safety there, on the other side. so we hope against all logics, against all experience.

romanul imbuibat

ziceam cu naduf pe twitterul meu ca dupa weekendul asta nu pot sa zic decat ca suntem un popor de imbuibati. atat. grecul a facut averi din piatra seaca, iar noi aci, am facut si facem harcea-parcea toata bogatia asta Dumnezeiasca pe care natura ne-a dat-o gratis. noi si norocul porcului: avand mult, doar am fost nevoiti sa molfaim, in loc sa ne stangem cureaua si sa ne calculam fiecare dumicat, sa ne gospodarim putinul ca sa nu murim de foame. nevoia te invata. noi n-am murit niciodata de foame, de fapt. pamantul asta pe care calcam, plaiurile astea ale noastre mioritice sunt breathless & grailess. bogate. splendide. ametitor de altruiste. si ne-am obisnuit sa le avem la nas, nu sa le facem transpirand, deci nu sa le apreciem, ca doar numai ce faci tu cu puterea ta, apreciezi mai apoi. avandu-le asa, am crezut ca ni se cuvin si n-am avut grija de ele. am cazut in blestemul bogatului: sa nu-i fie niciodata de ajuns, sa fie lacom si arogant, sa se folos...

multa lume, oameni putini...