brandurile & 2.0 reguli de folosire

Brands and 2.0Proceed with caution
Brands and blogging don’t enjoy a marriage made in heaven
Blogging changes the writer’s behaviour more than it changes the readers’ behaviour
If your brand is going to blog you need to understand what you want to change about it
This is uncomfortable because brands usually like changing consumer behaviour not the other way round
There are no ‘old’ or ‘new’ media – there are communications media and social media
Communications media are the natural habitat of brands
Their use of social media is problematic
Social media demand that you trade control for influence
Unless brands are happy with this they should stay out of social media
Just use it to listen to the conversation
Social media is all about conversation
Brands only have a role if they can make the conversation more interesting
Advertising can’t succeed against the conversation but it can influence and contribute to the conversation
The social media gurus bang on about the stupidity of advertising but really it is a criticism of media
Creative agencies must free themselves from media - they are content creation companies
And increasingly content co-creation companies
Media neutrality must mean just that – we shouldn’t care where our content appears
Maybe media agnostic would be a better term
Media is only interesting as content distribution vehicle. And increasingly it will be free to use.
Social media can’t be measured so lets stop trying
We have to get comfortable with managing the immeasurable
Lets face it the truth is that all good advertising is a leap of faith
Only poor advertising is predictable


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