
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2013

The Manual for Living by Epictetus (55-135)

Chapter 1 a) Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are within our control and some things are not. If we are not able to make this distinction, we will meet with disappointment and frustration, grief and worry. But if we have the right idea about what really belongs to us and what does not, we will experience freedom. b) Be aware that to really understand these ideas, a casual effort is not sufficient. c) From now on, practice saying to everything that appears unpleasant: is this problem within my own control or is it not? If it concerns anything outside your control, teach yourself not to worry about it. Chapter 2 We live our life under the influence of our likes and dislikes. Likes command us to run and get what we want. Our dislikes push us to avoid what we don’t like. If we don’t get what we want, we are frustrated; and when we experience what we don’t want, we are unhappy. But if we direct our aversion only to things that are u...


...coincidentele sunt un fel de mesaj ca faci parte din perfectiunea ordinii naturale din care faci bineinteles parte. daca esti atent, le sesizezi. ele iti dau sentimentul ca esti protejat oricum. capeti incredere...

thinking WALK THE TALK

You may be different and consitent and claim you're assumed... But if you don't walk the talk with pride, inspiring people with confident, loving and mature spirit, you're f*** up. Your constant rage is sign of frustration, not asumption. You're not at peace with yourself...though not assumed.

thinking PRINCIPII

Cred ca e neproductiv și mai ales nesănătos sa te ghidezi după principii foarte stricte care te izoleaza de lume, de ce ți se oferă și ce vine, de ce ți s-a dat, de vortex, adică de viata. Pentru ca viata te hrănește, dar este necontrolabila. Doar alegerea ta de principiu și atitudine este. Si dacă te pui deoparte, înțepenești, te usuci și mori, lipsit de iubire, în loc sa permiți hrănirea, învățarea, adaptarea, creșterea. Principiile tale trebuie sa fie compatibile cu viata. A ta. Asa cred.

Andra mea :)))
