
Se afișează postări din mai, 2012



Dalai Lama 4 Living

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 3. Follow the three Rs: * Respect for self * Respect for others * Responsibility for all your actions. 4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. 5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. 6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship. 7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 8. Spend some time alone every day. 9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values. 10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time. 12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. 13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the p...

Native American Code Of Ethics

I recently found these code of ethics - I am unsure of where this originated and of it’s accuracy. Regardless of where it originated, I like it very much and I wanted to pass it on. So much common sense and an extraordinary respect for the earth and everything that calls it home. Native Americans weren’t perfect, but the Europeans could have learned from them but instead they treated them with disrespect. Remember, it was the Native Americans who lived on the American continents for a very long time – everyone else is an immigrant. Chief Black Chicken, Yankton Dakota (Sioux) Native American Code Of Ethics Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. ~ Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. ~ Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may wal...

grayless soulfulness

stay in silence. listen to your heart. just be.

Map of Europe: 1000 AD to present day Look at all those hystoric changes over the time

Semnele timpului

Dacă, ajuns la o anumită vîrstă, te trezeşti bombănind tot mai des vremurile şi noile generaţii, e bine să ştii că există riscul de a fi preluat în corul străvechi al bătrînilor, care cred, de cînd lumea, că totul se termină cu ei. Capeţi un discurs de bunic, dintre cele care îi exasperează pe nepoţi. Asta pare să fie schema oricărei biografii: debutezi revoluţionar şi militant şi sfîrşeşti dezabuzat şi nostalgic. Există, totuşi, mutaţii istorice de anvergură, fracturi ale timpului, de natură să capete un oarecare coeficient de „obiectivitate“. După Revoluţia Franceză, sau după instalarea la putere a sovietelor în Rusia şi a regimului comunist în România, afirmaţii de genul „Nimic nu mai e ca pe vremea mea!“ sună altfel decît în conversaţia previzibilă dintre moşnegii dintotdeauna şi tineret. Ruptura e evidentă şi radicală. Ceva cvasi-ireversibil s-a produs în măruntaiele istoriei. Lucrurile au luat o turnură cu totul nouă, în iureşul căreia nu mai poţi interveni. Eu unul cred că tră...