
Se afișează postări din iulie, 2009


The Black Sea was created by THE ANCIENT MEDITERANEAN FLOOD 8000 years ago, when a glaciar melt. Could this be THE NOE FLOOD? Anyway the civilisation was deeply and irreversibly affected... Now glaciars are melting. Again. 150 000 00o people live in our times at shores and could be affected... Global warming is our materialistic, consumeristic giant f***g obssession and fault. But as we see, it's always a matter of respecting the nature, not fight against it. Nature always winns. And sometimes is too late for showing respect... RESPECT FOR YOUR NATURE RESPECT FOR EVERITHING CAUSE NATURE IS EVERYTHING THAT COUNTS Hey, you! You should show some respect or it will be too late for you too! And know you know what I'm talking about. ;)

Turning Copenhagen into Hopenhagen

On December 7, 2009, leaders from 192 countries will gather at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark to determine the fate of our planet. Leading up to this date, the worldwide offices of Ogilvy have begun working with the United Nations and the International Advertising Association to create “Hopenhagen,” a platform for the citizens of the world to connect to their governments and world leaders to help decide our collective future. It's a chance for us to join together to solve the two biggest problems of our time - climate change and the economic crisis - in one ...

say what you need to say

belief Take all of your wasted honor Every little past frustration Take all of your so-called problems Better put them in quotations Say what you need to say Walking like a one man army Fighting with the shadows in your head Living out the same old moment Knowing you’d be better off insteadIf you could only Say what you need to say Have no fear for giving in Have no fear for giving over You better know that in the end It’s better to say too much Than never to say what you need to say again Even if your hands are shaking And your faith is broken Even as the eyes are closing Do it with a heart wide open Say what you need to say Jonn Mayer Lyrics

intre amagire si dezamagire

fumand my late evening honey berry cigarrrr...:) am inceput sa gandesc: ce ne duce de fapt la dezamagire? cautam in afara noastra in loc sa cautam in noi? vrem neaparat sa credem intr-un vis care traieste in noi si ne amagim ca daca intr-adevar credem in el, ni se va implini? plutim in iluziile pe care sufletul nostru le creeaza din iubire sau doar ca sa-si pastreze viata? ne asteptam sa primim neaparat? sau doar asa ne e dat? sa vedem ce-avem in oglinda? amagire si dezamagire cuvinte- concept in echilibru perfect. ne amagim de-aia ne dezamagim. si ne dezamagim ca sa ne amagim din nou. si sa facem iar echilibru. echilibru inseamna starea statica a unui corp generata de forte externe dinamice, egale si opuse ca intensitate. te omoara daca se instaleaza confortabil, te plictiseste daca dureaza, iti taie avantul. nu e zbor. seamana cu desavarsirea, care e prea aproape nefiinta. nu vrei sa fii de fapt in perfect echilibru, este inuman. asa ca nu ramai acolo prea mult. de fapt, mai importan...

ce este un feedback

'Hai sa va zic niste lucruri care mi s-au intamplat si din care ar fi ceva de invatat. Am intalnit un client care mi-a dat feedback in 2 minute jumate pe o campanie de printuri. Dupa ce, la prima prezentare a ales fulgerator campania din cele 4 prezentate. Mai exact, toata prezentarea a durat vreo 7-8 minute, cu tot cu rationale si argumentatii pro/contra In rafale. Sa nu va imaginati ca omul era vreun necunoscator. Ntz-Ntz. Doar ca stia foarte bine ce vrea. Si stia ce vrea pentru ca stia care sunt oamenii din targetul asta. Asa ca stia ce vor si ce nu vor sa vada oamenii astia carora le vindea. A rezultat un feedback clar-concis si extrem de logic; am inteles foarte bine ce si de ce trebuie sa modific; Am avut parte si de feedback venit de la echipe de marketing de genul “imi place”, “nu-mi place”; in loc de orice argumentatie - “am mai vrea doua propuneri”. Rezultatul - ne-am simtit ca Ray Charles facand escalada. S-a mai intamplat si ca un client sa vrea de fiecare data lucruril...


In times of economic crises, climate change and an apparent spate of celebrity death, it can be easy to panic. Save the whales, save the ozone, yes! But who is going to save US? It is in these trying times that it is important to focus on what matters most: ourselves and our relashionships.

how internet is changing lives?

How is the internet (and more specifically the social media) changing the way teenagers grow up, spend their time and live their lives? Does the social system can adapt? Find more videos like this on OgilvyDigital
photos by R&A

cum afli raspunsul

Daca insisti cu incapatanare sa faci ceva, sa eviti ceva, sa rezolvi ceva fara sa intelegi fundamentul, se va intampla exact opusul incercarii tale. In plus, te vei concentra sa explici rational irationalul, neajungand la un raspuns clar. Ti se va parea ba ca e bine, ba ca nu e bine, asa ca vei obosi anyway for nothing. Ba chiar poti sa cazi in aceeasi greseala, tu fiind concentrat asupra ei si ea atragandu-te ca un magnet. Mai bine te relaxezi, nu te agati de nici un lucru, de nici un om, de nici un gand. Let it all flow si mergi mai departe, simtind. Se pare ca raspunsul vine daca stii cum sa-l ceri. Tine cont doar de your own guts si de flashurile din mintea ta. Ele revin, sunt cuvintele sau imaginile importante, esentiale, care conteaza, care raman. Ele traduc ce vrea sufletul tau, sunt fundamentul. De ele ar trebui sa tii cont, indiferent ce-ti analizeaza creierul care vrea neaparat sa inteleaga. So,Relax... Numai asa se pare ca devii aware la un moment dat si vezi ce si incotro t...