Se afișează postări din mai, 2009
intimacy excitement joy
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If you can go on growing in this intimacy, which is no more excitement, then joy will arise: first excitement, then love, then joy. Joy is the ultimate product, the fulfilment. Excitement is just a beginning, a triggering; it is not the end. And those who finish at excitement will never know what love is, will never know the mystery of love, will never come to know the joy of love. They will know sensations, excitement, passionate fever, but they will never know the grace that is l o v e.
vineri,15 mai, concert la Hard Rock Cafe
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omul frumos a fost inlocuit cu cel eficient
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constiinta vs. constiEnta
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Constienta. Nu constiinta. Prima e naturala, iti aduce armonie, curaj, coerenta cu tine insuti. A doua e facuta de societate ca sa te asupreasca. Societatea nu te vrea inteligent. Constiinta e pseudo-constienta. Not the real natural thing. Inteligenta si constienta ar fi de-ajuns, dar asa ai deveni incontrolabil ...
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Se zice ca imediat dupa Craciunul insangerat un tanar a alergat la manastire sa anunte euforica veste comunismul a cazut. Monahul nebucurat de amagirea asta, a ridicat incet capul din pamant, l-a privit pe naiv direct in ochi si-a zis- Abia acum incepe iadul. S-a taiat capul viperei iar acum veninul o sa se-mprastie in tot corpul. Cum zicea Puric, sfintii sunt inainte -vazatori...
cum sa traiesti periculos
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You will have to live dangerously. You will have to move towards the unknown, and you will have to love persons and not things. You will have to be ready not to possess anybody, because the moment you possess the person is not there. Only a thing can be possessed. OSHO You will have to live dangerously. You will have to move towards the unknown, and you will have to love persons and not things. You will have to be ready not to possess anybody, because the moment you possess the person is not there. Only a thing can be possessed. OSHO When you look through the eyes of logic, you will know a few things, but those few things will not give you the vision of reality. They will be only abstractions.When you look through love, then you know the reality as it is. Love is falling with the universe, together; falling in a togetherness. It is orgasmic: you are streaming, and the existence has always been streaming, and both streamings meet and mingle and are infused in each other. A higher synt...