5th. Chakra The Throat- signs of imbalance

Located in the Throat, this Chakra is ruled by Venus, spins much faster than the lower 4 chakras, and is represented as blue in colour.
This energy centre is all about communication, which is essential for genuine interaction with others.
Communication is not only about talking, it is a two way street that incorporates listening as well.
This is shown by the areas covered by the Throat Chakra – the throat, mouth, ears, arms and hands.
We can often see people moving their hands and arms when they’re talking – how would they manage without them!
Another example is sign language – hard of hearing people, who may not have the ability to speak with their mouths, use their hands and arms instead.
This is where we can express the creativity that started in the Sacral Chakra and relate it to others; this is where we can communicate our will and love to others but also to hear others’ words and emotions, which is equally important.
As a race, us human beings too often have a fear of communicating our true inner thoughts and feelings, or have difficulty in expressing ourselves which is often seen as excessive shyness. These, plus talking too much and not listening are disorders of the Throat Chakra.
Physically, thyroid, throat and mouth disorders can also be experienced, as can constant colds and flu. Communication is an art (creativity), and when the art is learnt can be a joyous experience, which is why singing and chanting are two very good ways of stimulating the Throat Chakra into positive activity.