thinking PRICE

There is an old saying that ,,nothing is for free''. I got to think about this for a while and ancient symbols came to my mind : Yin and Yang, the Uroboros, the Phoenix. There is no light without darkness, no sun without the night, no ups without downs. It is all going into cycles that begin to anew as soon as they end. We can not know the ecstasy if we don't come to acknowlegde agony first - and the deeper the agony, the deeper the ecstasy will be. Everything has to be paid for. For ecstasy, we have to pay in agony. You have to go through deep pain to get rid of pain. It is a cleansing process. Pain is a fire: it burns the garbage you have in you and allows the beauty to reveal itself. Just as we purify gold through fire, consciousness is purified through pain. Pain has something to deliver to you. All you have to do is to stay alert. Don't avoid pain! If you avoid pain, you are avoiding pleasure. Don't avoid darkness. If you avoid darkness, dawn w...